DeckCheck changelog

These are the most recent changes:

  • 22. Feb 2012 - 16:54 - Added a Modern RSS feed (Thanks Michael)
  • 14. Feb 2012 - 11:28 - Published a new deck submission form with auto-completion. Script checks for correct submissions before entering it into the database = no more incomplete decklists.
  • 12. Feb 2012 - 18:40 - After a much too long break we are back. Updated the cards up to Dark Ascension and replaced Extended with Modern
  • 20. May 2011 - 00:01 - Finally updated our card database to New Phyrexia. Sort by manacost/color might not work with phyrexian mana yet
  • 28. Apr 2011 - 18:36 - and and some other URLs now 301 redirect to to resolve cookie problems on the frontpage and stop confuse google
  • 22. Apr 2011 - 22:21 - Fixed a bug that prevented Death&Taxes decks to be listed in search (Thank you Chase)
  • 01. Apr 2011 - 08:20 - Added RSS Feeds to each format. Please send me feedback on that, as I don't use RSS myself.
  • 30. Mar 2011 - 16:02 - Hopefully solved the max_user_connection problem.
  • 23. Mar 2011 - 18:02 - Some basic deck statistic is now available. Just counting the manasymbols in maindeck/sideboard
  • 23. Mar 2011 - 14:49 - In format overview you can now show more than the 10 listed events.
  • 23. Mar 2011 - 14:08 - A cookie tracks your last visit to the frontpage to mark new events as NEW. Users without cookies get events of the last 3 days marked.
  • 01. Mar 2011 - 06:12 - Added a function to hide price information for the current session. This prevents the prices to be visible when copy-pasting
  • 28. Feb 2011 - 04:42 - Added price information to the decks. Please report cards, that have OBVIOUS wrong prices or no price at all.
  • 17. Feb 2011 - 22:51 - You can sort the search lists now, and they are by default sorted by date (sorry that took so long)
  • 17. Feb 2011 - 20:19 - Added spam protection to deck submitting (nonsense decks get deleted), we're logging wrong entries now to be able to correct it ourselves
  • 15. Feb 2011 - 17:51 - Hopefully the quotes problem is really solved now, sorry ASL Berlin
  • 14. Feb 2011 - 22:21 - Sorry for the recent downtimes. Server moved and finally arrived :) links to decks should work again
  • 13. Feb 2011 - 23:46 - Mirrodin Besieged Update - Pictures will be updated as soon as better images are available
  • 28. Jan 2011 - 02:37 - Fixed an error with quotation marks in submitted deck/event names (Thank you Kai)
  • 23. Jan 2011 - 18:22 - Fixed a format error with the mwDeck-Files (Thank you Gustavo)
  • 20. Jan 2011 - 06:15 - Fixed the Search. You can now (Quick-)Search for Decks with specific cards in it. Searchtime reduced to ~0,1 sec.
  • 02. Jan 2011 - 20:21 - Happy New Year, currently adding the admin-interface. Login via Tools->Login
  • 21. Dec 2010 - 14:12 - Moved all "Survival of the Fittest"-Legacy decks to Legacy Archive
  • 21. Dec 2010 - 02:23 - Fixed a submitting bug
  • 17. Dec 2010 - 03:21 - Sample hand of decks should work
  • 14. Dec 2010 - 01:02 - Decks can be exported as .mwDeck
  • 15. Nov 2010 - 19:45 - Deck overview can be sorted by CMC, search results have page navigation
  • 13. Nov 2010 - 18:31 - Deck overview can be sorted by type (default), color and by alphabet (CMC to come)
  • 11. Nov 2010 - 02:00 - Advanced Search should work (except for date-range and cards NOT in a deck)
  • 11. Nov 2010 - 00:43 - Quicksearch works now (detects if you search for a card, a deck, an event, an archetype or a player)
  • 06. Nov 2010 - 15:40 - Over 21200 decks more or less manually added (phew). Due to some encoding bug, no deck contains a "Jötun Grunt", but this will be fixed soon. Fixed some minor bugs.
  • 05. Nov 2010 - 14:43 - Frontpage 50 (+2000) Decks means 50 in the current Format and additional 2000 are not legal anymore or out of date
  • 03. Nov 2010 - 13:38 - Format-overview working and full listing of decks by player/format/archetype possible
  • 03. Nov 2010 - 10:16 - Most played cards implemented
  • 02. Nov 2010 - 21:26 - Frontpage fixed
  • 02. Nov 2010 - 16:43 - Added older Formats, but crushed front page, added MPC dummy page
  • 02. Nov 2010 - 15:06 - Added this changelog
  • 29. Oct 2010 - 19:00 - and went online
  • 26. Oct 2010 - 20:00 - Added the FAQ, "Support us" section, an event overview and a format overview dummy page
  • 24. Oct 2010 - 16:00 - Resized all pictures as needed and uploaded
  • 23. Oct 2010 - 08:00 - Basic Submit/View Deck function went online on testserver including startpage

Send us a mail if you want to help us. We need coders (PHP4/mySQL) and people who submit decklists on a regular basis.

Any Questions? Check out the FAQ ··· Found Bugs or any strange behaviour on Send us an email. Answer guaranteed.