U/R Land Destruction [ChK_9th_Csp] Decks

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[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] UR Magnivore ArcTrickster Magic-League Standard Master 020902.Sep.'067th
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] Amiel Tenembaum is the best player in the world Masashi Oiso Japanese Nationals Decks 200626.Aug.'06-1th
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Vore Sho Yamauchi Japanese Nationals Grinder 200624.Aug.'064th
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Vore Amiel Tenenbaum German Nationals 200613.Aug.'062nd
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Vore Selim Creiche French Nationals 200623.Jul.'062nd
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] URW Control Glen Martir Pre-Coldsnap Triple Treat - Standard01.Jul.'066th
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] UR Land-Destruction Yukimasa Takaoka Japanese Regionals 2006 (Tokio_2)25.Jun.'067th
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Vore Shane Banzuela Philippines Regionals 2006 (Southern Manila)18.Jun.'062nd
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Vore Johannes Köhler-Kaeß German Regionals 2006 (Schleswig-Holstein)27.May.'062nd
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] UR Vore Peter Michael Bahr Team-PTQ Charleston (Bochum)21.May.'061st
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Vore Steven Birklid US Regionals 2006 (Anchorage)20.May.'065th
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Vore Roman Iwaskiw US Regionals 2006 (Calgary)20.May.'066th
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R LD Adrian Gareau US Regionals 2006 (Calgary)20.May.'068th
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R LD Craig Stangl US Regionals 2006 (College Park)20.May.'061st
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Land Destruction Thomas Jaki US Regionals 2006 (Concord)20.May.'063rd
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Vore Kurt Benson US Regionals 2006 (Great Lakes)20.May.'064th
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Vore Kurt Benson US Regionals 2006 (Novi)20.May.'064th
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Wildfire Gary Meinl US Regionals 2006 (Pittsburgh)20.May.'066th
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Wildfire Thomas Jim US Regionals 2006 (San Jose)20.May.'064th
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Vore Albert Ruskey US Regionals 2006 (Vancouver)20.May.'061st
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] UR Vore Adam Yurchick Team-PTQ Charleston (Indianapolis)29.Apr.'061st
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Vore Rob Youck Team-PTQ Charleston (Edmonton)15.Apr.'062nd
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Wildfire Kurt Stockbrugger Team-PTQ Charleston (Edmonton)15.Apr.'064th
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Vore Cedric Phillips Team-PTQ Charleston (Columbus)08.Apr.'061st
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Vore Ian Bourgeois Team-PTQ Charleston (Columbus)08.Apr.'063rd
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Land Destruction Luke Smith Team-PTQ Charleston (Baltimore)01.Apr.'061st
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Vore Hunter Shelburne Team-PTQ Charleston (Lubbock)01.Apr.'064th
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Magnivore Justin Rider Team-PTQ Charleston (Seattle)01.Apr.'062nd
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] U/R Land Destruction Steve Sadin Team-PTQ Charleston (Hartford)25.Mar.'062nd
[ChK_9th_Csp] [ChK_9th_Csp] Annex Wildfire Andrei Hayrynen Pro Tour Honolulu05.Mar.'06-1th

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