[Rav_10th_FS] Decks

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[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] B/G Rack Kitayama Masaya Japanese Nationals 200702.Sep.'0716th
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] Solar Flare Mitamura Kazuya Japanese Nationals 200702.Sep.'0716th
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] Project X Nagashima Makoto Japanese Nationals 200702.Sep.'0716th
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] Angelfire Fried Meulders Nationals Belgium 200702.Sep.'071st
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] GoyfRack Vincent Gieling Nationals Belgium 200702.Sep.'072nd
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] AngelFire Veltchev Kalin Nationals Belgium 200702.Sep.'073rd
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] Rakdos Jeroen Aga Nationals Belgium 200702.Sep.'074th
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] Unthinkable Dredge Philippe Massart Nationals Belgium 200702.Sep.'076th
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] BlueSnow Christophe Gregoir Nationals Belgium 200702.Sep.'077th
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] Dredge Stan Van de Velde Nationals Belgium 200702.Sep.'078th
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] UWG Blink Chord Tomáš Langer Czech Nationals 200701.Sep.'071st
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] Dredge Jakub Stárek Czech Nationals 200701.Sep.'072nd
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] Perilous Storm Martin Juza Czech Nationals 200701.Sep.'073rd
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] Rakdos Vit Vávra Czech Nationals 200701.Sep.'074th
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] Tarmorack bez Racku Nikola Vávra Czech Nationals 200701.Sep.'076th
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] Dredge Simon Ritter German Nationals 2007 - JSS Top801.Sep.'071st
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] R/G Beats Julian Ludwig German Nationals 2007 - JSS Top801.Sep.'072nd
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] Orzhov Aggro Joel Ohana German Nationals 2007 - JSS Top801.Sep.'074th
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] Angelfire Christian Sellner German Nationals 2007 - JSS Top801.Sep.'076th
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] Vlado deck Saša Zorc Croatian Nationals 200726.Aug.'072nd
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] Project X Tomislav Kunić Croatian Nationals 200726.Aug.'073rd
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] Goyfer Kornelije Hečimović Croatian Nationals 200726.Aug.'077th
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] G/U/w Blink Lars Engelberg Norway Nationals 200726.Aug.'071st
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] Mono Green Aggro Christian Bakkehaug Norway Nationals 200726.Aug.'077th
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] Dark Gruul Christian Flaaten Norway Nationals 200726.Aug.'078th
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] TarmoRack Ricardo Vicente Spain Nationals 200726.Aug.'071st
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] U/B Teaching Omar Rohner Spain Nationals 200726.Aug.'073rd
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] Perilous Storm Jorge Pinazo Spain Nationals 200726.Aug.'075th
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] B/G SmallGoyf Johnathan Garrido Spain Nationals 200726.Aug.'076th
[Rav_10th_FS] [Rav_10th_FS] OmniChord Manuel Bucher Swiss Nationals 200726.Aug.'071st

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