[TSp_10th_Lrw] Decks with maindeck Karplusan Forest

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[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] Kithkins Renato B. Wohlers Nationals Brazil 200807.Sep.'083rd
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] Mana Ramp/Quick n' Toast - Sinvi is Toast Rafael Peralta Uruguay Nationals 200817.Aug.'088th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] Predator Carl Dillahay Nationals USA 2008 - Top 803.Aug.'086th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] RG Warriors Sören Tenambergen Trader-Liga Standard - Juli 200820.Jul.'083rd
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] R/G Elves Gustavo Morales Grand Prix Buenos Aires 2008 - Day 2 Decks29.Jun.'08-1th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] R/G Warriors Joao Paulo Leite Arauj Grand Prix Buenos Aires 2008 - Day 2 Decks29.Jun.'08-1th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] Ramp Damián Morente Grand Prix Buenos Aires 2008 - Day 2 Decks29.Jun.'08-1th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] GR Land Destruction Ogawa Shinji Lunatic Moon Convention 166th29.Jun.'085th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] RG Land Destruction Papadopoulos Grigoris National Qualifier 2008 - Lamia / Greece28.Jun.'082nd
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] RG SnowRamp Belikov Vladimir National Qualifier 2008 - Irkutsk / Russia22.Jun.'087th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] RG Beats from the best Beatdown-Player in the Worl Bojan Stanic National Qualifier 2008 - Wien / Austria22.Jun.'086th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] R/G Beats Sebastian Parker National Qualifier 2008 - Chelmsford / United Kingdom14.Jun.'085th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] RG Warriors Sören Tenambergen National Qualifier 2008 - Dortmund / Germany14.Jun.'081st
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] Der große Connoisseur der Sünde Julian Brüggemann National Qualifier 2008 - Dortmund / Germany14.Jun.'086th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] Snow Ramp João Costa National Qualifier 2008 - Moita / Portugal14.Jun.'083rd
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] R/G Rampy Einou Takafumi National Qualifier 2008 - Osaka / Japan14.Jun.'081st
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] RG Aggro Nameless1 Magic-League Standard Master 08/0608.Jun.'083rd
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] R/G Captain Voki! Kristoffer Smetazko National Qualifier 2008 - Graz / Austria08.Jun.'085th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] RG Aggro Artur Marciniak GPT Kopenhagen 2008 - Sosnowiec07.Jun.'087th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] Squee's Invocation Jutin Lenhart National Qualifier 2008 - Fortworth / USA07.Jun.'087th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] G/W Aggro Thomas Ray Smith National Qualifier 2008 - Itaewan / Korea07.Jun.'082nd
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] Greater Goyf Joshua Landry National Qualifier 2008 - Moncton / Canada07.Jun.'083rd
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] R/G Deus Benoit Ross National Qualifier 2008 - Montreal / Canada07.Jun.'084th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] R/G Beats Nate Kamener National Qualifier 2008 - Orlando / USA07.Jun.'086th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] R/G LD David Stiles National Qualifier 2008 - Oxford / United Kingdom07.Jun.'086th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] R/G Beats Leighton Rother-Seale National Qualifier 2008 - Regina / Canada07.Jun.'087th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] R/G Beats Josh Hastings National Qualifier 2008 - St. Charles / USA07.Jun.'086th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] R/G Goyf Curtis Rasmussen National Qualifier 2008 - Winnipeg / Canada07.Jun.'085th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] White Lever Miura Satoru Lunatic Moon Convention 162nd31.May.'088th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] RG Claudio De Marco National Qualifier 2008 - Buenos Aires / Argentina31.May.'082nd

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