[TSp_10th_Lrw] Decks

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[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] G/W Elves Conrad Jackson States 2007 - Florida27.Oct.'071st
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] U/W Blink Glenn Jones States 2007 - Florida27.Oct.'072nd
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] B/G Pox John Dean States 2007 - Florida27.Oct.'076th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] U/B/w Control Chris Connell States 2007 - Florida27.Oct.'078th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] G/W Aggro Jared Mulcare States 2007 - Hawaii27.Oct.'071st
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] Faeries Keoni Davey States 2007 - Hawaii27.Oct.'073rd
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] Doran Rock Joshua Pryor States 2007 - Hawaii27.Oct.'074th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] Elves David Kaczorowski States 2007 - Hawaii27.Oct.'075th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] Greater Goyf Michael Wun States 2007 - Hawaii27.Oct.'076th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] Faeries Chad Kaufman States 2007 - Illinois27.Oct.'074th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] Scryb & Force David Craig States 2007 - Illinois27.Oct.'078th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] B/G Rack Austin Setlak States 2007 - Indiana27.Oct.'072nd
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] Mono Red Control Cedric Phillips States 2007 - Indiana27.Oct.'073rd
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] The Rock Joshua Lewis States 2007 - Indiana27.Oct.'074th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] B/G Rack Adam Konkey States 2007 - Indiana27.Oct.'076th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] U/B Teachings Gerry Thompson States 2007 - Indiana27.Oct.'077th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] Mono Red Bill Stark States 2007 - Iowa27.Oct.'072nd
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] B/G Rock John Paar States 2007 - Iowa27.Oct.'075th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] Pickles Steve Locke States 2007 - Iowa27.Oct.'076th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] BlinkRiders Matt Collins States 2007 - Iowa27.Oct.'078th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] U/G Shifter Chaz Faubion States 2007 - Kansas27.Oct.'074th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] TarmoFolk Thomas Graves States 2007 - Kentucky27.Oct.'071st
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] U/G/w BlinkGoyf Edgar Tan States 2007 - Kentucky27.Oct.'072nd
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] U/G/w BlinkGoyf Coty Watters States 2007 - Kentucky27.Oct.'073rd
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] White Weenie Zack Hibbs States 2007 - Kentucky27.Oct.'075th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] Pickles Ace Choate States 2007 - Kentucky27.Oct.'076th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] Mono Red Control Nick Ramsey States 2007 - Kentucky27.Oct.'077th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] U/B Teachings Tyler Winn States 2007 - Kentucky27.Oct.'078th
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] G/W Pure Control Laundry Coleman States 2007 - Louisiana27.Oct.'071st
[TSp_10th_Lrw] [TSp_10th_Lrw] Goblins Chris Harris States 2007 - Louisiana27.Oct.'072nd

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