Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Decks with maindeck Reflecting Pool

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Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Hypergenesis Johannes Reding Mercadiade 2009 - Extended28.Sep.'093rd
Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] The Hypergenesis Deck Burton911 Magic-League Extended Trial 02/0502.May.'092nd
Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] White Red Fabio Pezzotti PTQ Honolulu 2009 - Frosinone / Italy19.Apr.'098th
Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] KaioDeck Wataru Hosaka PTQ Honolulu 2009 - Niigata / Japan29.Mar.'093rd
Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Kiki Mite get there Adrian Terek PTQ Honolulu 2009 - Calgary / Canada28.Mar.'098th
Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Circus - UWGBr Bant Massimo Gaspari PTQ Honolulu 2009 - Carpi / Italy22.Mar.'093rd
Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] CaioDeck David Marroccoli PTQ Honolulu 2009 - Matera / Italy22.Mar.'095th
Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Greater Fae Ken Adams PTQ Honolulu 2009 - Roanoke II / USA22.Mar.'094th
Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] KaioDeck Robbie Cordell PTQ Honolulu 2009 - Nashville / USA21.Mar.'093rd
Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] U/G/r Good Stuff Aaron Newson PTQ Honolulu 2009 - Auckland / New Zealand14.Mar.'097th
Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] KaioDeck Riccardo Picciafuochi PTQ Honolulu 2009 - Bologna / Italy08.Mar.'097th
Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Bant Aggro Łukasz Przekora GPT Hannover 2009 - Łódź / Poland28.Feb.'094th
Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Schwäne Robert Wilbrand PTQ Honolulu 2009 - Dortmund / Germany28.Feb.'091st
Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Naya Andres Campion PTQ Honolulu 2009 - San Antonio / USA21.Feb.'098th
Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Doran the Explorer Dennis Klocke GPT Hannover 2009 - Frankfurt / Germany15.Feb.'093rd
Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Bubble Hulk Mark Gordon PTQ Honolulu 2009 - Kitchener / USA03.Jan.'096th
Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Bubble Hulk Peter Crim PTQ Honolulu 2009 - Memphis (USA)12.Dec.'087th
Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Swans Robert Wilbrand PTQ Honolulu 2008 - Berlin31.Oct.'084th
Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] Extended [Ons_8th_SoA] UrzaTron Jose Ramon Soler Salazar Open Mox Pearl en Magic Factory San Vicente Alicante26.Oct.'087th

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