[Lrw_M10_SoA] Decks with maindeck Martial Coup

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[Lrw_M10_SoA] [Lrw_M10_SoA] Yo.dec Francisco Javier Jimenez Prieto M10 Games Day - Jerez de La Frontera / Spain14.Aug.'098th
[Lrw_M10_SoA] [Lrw_M10_SoA] Mana Ramp Shaheen Soorani PTQ Austin 2009 - Boston II / USA02.Aug.'092nd
[Lrw_M10_SoA] [Lrw_M10_SoA] Kithkin Roman Kathriner Swiss Nationals 200926.Jul.'097th
[Lrw_M10_SoA] [Lrw_M10_SoA] The Spanish Inquisition Mark Hendrickson US Nationals 2009 - Top8 Decks26.Jul.'095th
[Lrw_M10_SoA] [Lrw_M10_SoA] Fertile Ultimatum Tamás Nagy Hungarian Nationals 200925.Jul.'091st
[Lrw_M10_SoA] [Lrw_M10_SoA] WR Planeswalkers Doug Potter PTQ Austin 2009 - Edmonton / USA25.Jul.'097th
[Lrw_M10_SoA] [Lrw_M10_SoA] UWr Control Marco Cammilluzzi PTQ Austin 2009 - Napoli / Italy19.Jul.'095th

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