[SoA_M10_Zen] Decks with maindeck Seaside Citadel

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[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Cruel Control Vilayphou Nicolas Worldwake Game Day - Trollune / France05.Mar.'105th
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Treasure Bant Andreas Trejtnar GPT Brussels 2010 - Vienna / Austria21.Feb.'104th
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Spread'em Felipe Saavedra GPT Brussels 2010 - Vienna / Austria21.Feb.'108th
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Mystic Bant Kyle James Pro Tour San Diego 2010 - Standard Kindle DX Event21.Feb.'105th
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] 4 Color Junk Miles Barnes Siskiyou Store League Event 120.Feb.'104th
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Dark Bant Trap LedZep Magic-League Standard Trial 18/02/1018.Feb.'103rd
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Bant Nam Sung-Wook PF 2010 January Player of the Month24.Jan.'102nd
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Combo Pyromancer Rodrigo Sanchez Open Summer 2010 Cash23.Jan.'103rd
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Bant Tokens Charles Cardenas Philcoa Mtg (ALVA) Standard Champs10.Jan.'104th
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] 4cc Sphinx Control Georgiadis George Standard Tournament - BG Thessaloniki10.Jan.'104th
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Exalted Bant Daniel Martinez Torneo NavideƱo MagicPucela 200929.Dec.'098th
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Spread Em' Timothy Hunt StarCityGames.com $5,000 Standard Open - St. Louis13.Dec.'094th
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Bant GFSS Magic-League Standard Master 06/12/0906.Dec.'092nd
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Bant NoNFuture Magic-League Standard Master 06/12/0906.Dec.'096th
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Vastwood Bant Ryan Walsh US States 2009 - British Columbia06.Dec.'093rd
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Aven Bant Namir Faraj US States 2009 - British Columbia06.Dec.'095th
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Spread Em' William Nichols US States 2009 - Illinois06.Dec.'092nd
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Spread'Em Tim Cunningham US States 2009 - Missouri06.Dec.'095th
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] UWg Control Norval Clark US States 2009 - New Brunswick06.Dec.'094th
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Bant Control Adam Pannone US States 2009 - South Carolina06.Dec.'093rd
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Harrow Aaron McCaslin US States 2009 - Burlington, Vermont05.Dec.'093rd
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Sphinx Bant Dave Kearney Worlds 2009 - Top Standard Decks22.Nov.'09-1th
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Cruel Cascade George Zywiel Zendikar Game Day - 401 Games / USA31.Oct.'096th
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Bant Aggro Cristian Zuiga Zendikar Game Day - Avalon Game Arena / Costa Rica31.Oct.'097th
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Bant Control Caleb Mann Zendikar Game Day - Battlezone Games / USA31.Oct.'098th
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Bant Aggro Justin Owens Zendikar Game Day - Cosmic Oasis / USA31.Oct.'093rd
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Bant Aggro Elliot Akwai Zendikar Game Day - Guardian Games / USA31.Oct.'095th
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Finest Bant Thomas Leppert Zendikar Game Day - Mid-South Game Center / USA31.Oct.'094th
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] 5CB Jason Mohr Zendikar Game Day - Monster Den Games / USA31.Oct.'092nd
[SoA_M10_Zen] [SoA_M10_Zen] Cruel Control Christopher Walker Zendikar Game Day - Quest Comic Shop / USA31.Oct.'093rd

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