Legacy Decks

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Legacy Legacy Esper Blade Jorge Santos Legacy Qualifier Let's Collect08.Sep.'121st
Legacy Legacy BUGW Victor Fernando Silva Legacy Qualifier Let's Collect08.Sep.'122nd
Legacy Legacy Omnitell Guilherme Merjam Legacy Qualifier Let's Collect08.Sep.'123rd
Legacy Legacy Aggro Loam Victor Auilo Haikal Legacy Qualifier Let's Collect08.Sep.'124th
Legacy Legacy Enchantress Marcus Camargo Legacy Qualifier Let's Collect08.Sep.'125th
Legacy Legacy Sneak'nTell Paulo Imai Legacy Qualifier Let's Collect08.Sep.'126th
Legacy Legacy Omnitell Rafael Oliveira Legacy Qualifier Let's Collect08.Sep.'127th
Legacy Legacy Merfolks Lucas Joly Legacy Qualifier Let's Collect08.Sep.'128th
Legacy Legacy Mono Green Aggro Sandalmaster Funky Junk19.Jul.'121st
Legacy Legacy Merfolk Toshibo Ranto Funky Junk19.Jul.'122nd
Legacy Legacy Elves Coby Robinson Funky Junk19.Jul.'123rd
Legacy Legacy GW Maverick Sven Langensiepen GPT Frankfurt (GP Gent)09.Jun.'121st
Legacy Legacy Delver Threshold Andreas Pisch GPT Frankfurt (GP Gent)09.Jun.'122nd
Legacy Legacy Sneak Attack Alexander Lauer GPT Frankfurt (GP Gent)09.Jun.'123rd
Legacy Legacy Delver Threshold Wadim Reimche GPT Frankfurt (GP Gent)09.Jun.'124th
Legacy Legacy Dredge Damien Dachary GPT Frankfurt (GP Gent)09.Jun.'125th
Legacy Legacy Nacatl Threshold Stefan Czolk GPT Frankfurt (GP Gent)09.Jun.'126th
Legacy Legacy Staxx Mathias Helmbold GPT Frankfurt (GP Gent)09.Jun.'127th
Legacy Legacy UW Miracle Peter Ernst GPT Frankfurt (GP Gent)09.Jun.'128th
Legacy Legacy RUG Delver Fabian Moyschewitz Iserlohner Magic-Treff03.Jun.'121st
Legacy Legacy MUD Alexander Klamt Iserlohner Magic-Treff03.Jun.'122nd
Legacy Legacy Goblins Christian Bien Iserlohner Magic-Treff03.Jun.'123rd
Legacy Legacy Maverick Alexander Linzner Iserlohner Magic-Treff03.Jun.'124th
Legacy Legacy U/W Control Dennis Rosinski Iserlohner Magic-Treff03.Jun.'125th
Legacy Legacy Landstill UBg Pascal Wagner Iserlohner Magic-Treff03.Jun.'126th
Legacy Legacy Dredge Erik Hegemann Iserlohner Magic-Treff03.Jun.'127th
Legacy Legacy Esper Stoneblade Sebastian Born Iserlohner Magic-Treff03.Jun.'128th
Legacy Legacy Dredge Mark Eilers SCG.com Legacy Open: Orlando20.May.'121st
Legacy Legacy Sneak and Show David McDarby SCG.com Legacy Open: Orlando20.May.'122nd
Legacy Legacy Show and Tell Benjamin McDole SCG.com Legacy Open: Orlando20.May.'123rd

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