Legacy Decks with maindeck Trinket Mage

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Legacy Legacy UGR Faeries Roberto Sartini Milano - MLL#8 - WPW29.Apr.'126th
Legacy Legacy Welder Grindstone John Cuvelier SCG.com Legacy Open: Orlando15.May.'113rd
Legacy Legacy U/W/R Control AJ Sacher SCG.com Legacy Open: Charlotte01.May.'111st
Legacy Legacy Stiflenought CounterTop Samuel Wang SCG.com Legacy Open: Boston24.Apr.'117th
Legacy Legacy RUG Stiflenought AJ Sacher SCG.com Legacy Open: Boston24.Apr.'118th
Legacy Legacy Jace Controll Dirk Gaspers Legacy Bäckerei Müller02.Apr.'113rd
Legacy Legacy Stiflenought Marc Wiegandt Magickeller Hannover 04/201102.Apr.'112nd
Legacy Legacy Red Müst by Gebrüder Deck & Check Haiko Ast Magickeller Hannover 04/201102.Apr.'117th
Legacy Legacy Painted Stone Alexander Kwan SCG.com Legacy Open: Los Angeles27.Mar.'111st
Legacy Legacy Painted Stone George Blankenship SCG.com Legacy Open: Memphis13.Mar.'119th
Legacy Legacy Painted Stone Caleb Durward SCG.com Legacy Open: Memphis13.Mar.'1110th
Legacy Legacy URg Landstill David Reuß Legacy Trial für Bazaar of Moxen12.Mar.'112nd
Legacy Legacy Team America Eric English SCG.com Legacy Open: Edison06.Mar.'113rd
Legacy Legacy Countertop Adam Prozak SCG Legacy Open: Washington D.C.27.Feb.'119th
Legacy Legacy 4C Countertop Alexander Smirnov Russian Legacy Championship 201126.Feb.'118th
Legacy Legacy CounterTop RUG Ben Wienburg SCG Legacy Open: Indianapolis06.Feb.'111st
Legacy Legacy Cago-Naso Paolo Pikec Shakespeare's Legacy 706.Feb.'113rd
Legacy Legacy Dreadstill Klinger Bernhard FUNtainement Nürnberg Legacy 28/08/201028.Aug.'104th
Legacy Legacy CounterTop Bernhard Klinger Deutsche Legacy-Meisterschaft 201021.Aug.'101st
Legacy Legacy Dreadstill Fischer Michael FUNtainmentNürnberg Legacy31.Jul.'103rd
Legacy Legacy Dreadstill Trötschel Mathis FUNtainmentNürnberg Legacy31.Jul.'108th
Legacy Legacy Dreadstill Ronald Lehmann Legacy Mannheim 07/1031.Jul.'103rd
Legacy Legacy Glòria a les Santes Stampi's Àngel Mena 2ndo Torneo LLES524.Jul.'106th
Legacy Legacy Tezzerator Peter Smutko The Mirkwood Cup (July 2010)18.Jul.'106th
Legacy Legacy Progressive... Death... True Metal Fabian Helfert Legacy Mannheim 06/1026.Jun.'107th
Legacy Legacy Bant Pascal Marion Legacy Spellkeeper26.Jun.'104th
Legacy Legacy Darknought vs. Confidant Marco Stoll Nenndorfer Magic Treff - Legacy Turnier 06/201026.Jun.'105th
Legacy Legacy Trinket Painters UGB Luis Viciano VI Torneo Online Factoría de Mishra25.Jun.'102nd
Legacy Legacy Dreadstill Bernhard Klinger Nürnberg Legacy 12.06.201012.Jun.'103rd
Legacy Legacy Blitzstill Michael Heiduk ASL Berlin Legacy 05.06.201005.Jun.'105th

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