Chalice Green Legacy Decks

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Legacy Legacy Green Chalice aggro Carles Messegué Lotacy 24/04/1024.Apr.'106th
Legacy Legacy M.G.C.A. Sébastien Cameron P9 Legacy F2F - April04.Apr.'102nd
Legacy Legacy Green Stax Aggro (GSA) Rafael Lagasca Year-end Legacy Manila 200919.Dec.'098th
Legacy Legacy Green Chalice Aggro Robin de Graaf Legacy Apeldoorn13.Dec.'091st
Legacy Legacy Mono Green Chalice Aggro Alexandre Le Goff Mox-Moat @ Face to face, Montreal22.Nov.'091st
Legacy Legacy Mono Green Chalice Aggro Ugo Rivard Mox-Moat @ Face to face, Montreal22.Nov.'095th

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