Pox Legacy Decks

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Legacy Legacy Pox Kjartan Uldahl Danish Legacy Masters24.Mar.'124th
Legacy Legacy Pox Jakob Peschel WPN Qualifiers: Nürnberg25.Feb.'128th
Legacy Legacy GBW Vulpi's Rock Fernando Galan 4ª LSL - Elche25.Jul.'105th
Legacy Legacy Glòria a les Santes Max Insa 2ndo Torneo LLES524.Jul.'105th
Legacy Legacy Team BJ: Cuba Knippi 5.0 [Pox/gw] Max Schlaak ASL Berlin Legacy 17.07.201017.Jul.'104th
Legacy Legacy Loampox Karl Dang ASL Berlin Legacy 17.07.201017.Jul.'105th
Legacy Legacy Eaeaeaeaeaeah! Ahora es tarde!! Max Insa 5nto Torneo LLES408.May.'104th
Legacy Legacy Bitter Pox (Team Super People) Philip Lücke LubuLe - Ludwigsburger Legacy 02/201030.Jan.'102nd
Legacy Legacy Bitter Pox (Team Super People) Philip Lücke GPT Madrid 2010 - Ludwigsburg / Germany09.Jan.'105th
Legacy Legacy Pox Justin Garcia Sci-Fi Genre Weekly Legacy Series 03/0103.Jan.'107th
Legacy Legacy Smallpox Andreas Dietz Funtainment Nürnberg Legacy 11/09 II28.Nov.'094th
Legacy Legacy Counter Topf Martin Müller Legacy Mannheim (Okt 2009)31.Oct.'096th
Legacy Legacy B/G Pox Teemu Ranta Legacy Nationals 200926.Jul.'093rd
Legacy Legacy Pox Morrone Diego Dragons League Roncade28.Jun.'093rd
Legacy Legacy Do you see the propaganda that Wizards of the Coas Michael Brandenburg Legacy Drachental Mai 0909.May.'092nd
Legacy Legacy Black Pox Daniel Ott Legacy Kempten - April 200918.Apr.'094th
Legacy Legacy The_Pit Alexander Keller Legacy Kempten - April 200918.Apr.'097th
Legacy Legacy Poxless Roland Garros Legacy Saint Denis en Bugey 04/0404.Apr.'097th
Legacy Legacy BW Pox Mario Rodenas I Liga Albaceteña de Legacy - Marzo28.Mar.'093rd
Legacy Legacy Pox Joe Barra Dual for Duals, Vestal, New York21.Feb.'096th
Legacy Legacy Sensei's Crop Pox Florian Winsauer Legacy Liga Vorarlberg07.Feb.'095th
Legacy Legacy 8Pox Christian Stein Legacy in den vier Winden 01/0918.Jan.'095th
Legacy Legacy BWG Smallpox Florian Winsauer Bodensee Magic League 01/0911.Jan.'095th
Legacy Legacy Pox Enric Sastre LCL Badalona 11/0815.Nov.'084th
Legacy Legacy Chicken Pox Sascha Wilzewski Magickeller Legacy Hannover 11/0808.Nov.'086th
Legacy Legacy Pox Andrés García I Liga Legacy Rebellion05.Nov.'085th
Legacy Legacy BW Pox Pascal Acker Legacy Reutlingen 09/0807.Sep.'087th

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