[Mrd_8th_SoK] Decks with maindeck Shrapnel Blast

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[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Red Deck Wins Aaron Brackmann Deutsche Nationals 200514.Aug.'052nd
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Flores Red Josh Ravitz US Nationals 200514.Aug.'055th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Red Deck Wins Daniel Paskins English Nationals 200507.Aug.'055th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Red Deck Wins Florent Lefranc French Nationals 200531.Jul.'055th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Red Deck Wins Stefano Fiori Italy Nationals 200524.Jul.'055th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Red Deck Wins Andrea Cerasari Italy Nationals 200524.Jul.'056th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Ponza Darragh Long Irish Nationals 200501.Jul.'051st
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Flores Red Neil Hauer US Regionals 2005 (Alberta)27.Jun.'053rd
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Flores Red David Downing US Regionals 2005 (Arlington)27.Jun.'057th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Flores Red Sebastian Denno US Regionals 2005 (Burnaby)27.Jun.'053rd
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Red Deck Wins Ian Kerr US Regionals 2005 (Burnaby)27.Jun.'056th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Red Burn Conrad Kirby US Regionals 2005 (Charlotte)27.Jun.'058th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Red Deck Wins John Moore US Regionals 2005 (College Park)27.Jun.'058th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Flores Red Zach Parker US Regionals 2005 (Duluth)27.Jun.'052nd
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Flores Red Matthew Long US Regionals 2005 (Duluth)27.Jun.'058th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Red Deck Wins Scott Briitchaock US Regionals 2005 (Hartford)27.Jun.'054th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Flores Red Christopher Kuehl US Regionals 2005 (Indianapolis)27.Jun.'057th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Red Burn Chad Meyer US Regionals 2005 (Lincoln)27.Jun.'051st
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Ponza Nolan Chaney US Regionals 2005 (Lincoln)27.Jun.'052nd
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Flores Red Yoni Perry US Regionals 2005 (Montreal)27.Jun.'056th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Red Deck Wins Marc Andr Simard US Regionals 2005 (Montreal)27.Jun.'058th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Flores Red Eddie Esparaza US Regionals 2005 (Niles)27.Jun.'056th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Flores Red Tylon Blas US Regionals 2005 (Phoenix)27.Jun.'054th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Flores Red David Cleveland US Regionals 2005 (Pittsburgh)27.Jun.'051st
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Red Deck Wins Josh Rabinovitz US Regionals 2005 (Pomona)27.Jun.'052nd
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Red Deck Wins Ross Freeman US Regionals 2005 (Portland)27.Jun.'052nd
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Flores Red Jason Shumacher US Regionals 2005 (Portland)27.Jun.'056th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Red Deck Wins Brett Herkenhoff US Regionals 2005 (Portland)27.Jun.'057th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Red Deck Wins Alex Frantzis US Regionals 2005 (Sacramento)27.Jun.'058th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Big Red Scott Hanscom US Regionals 2005 (San Diego)27.Jun.'0516th

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