[Mrd_8th_SoK] Decks

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[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Red Deck Wins Aaron Brackmann Deutsche Nationals 200514.Aug.'052nd
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Tooth and Nail David Brucker Deutsche Nationals 200514.Aug.'053rd
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] U/G Ninjas Maurice Schepp Deutsche Nationals 200514.Aug.'055th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Mono Green Aggro Carlo Reifgerste Deutsche Nationals 200514.Aug.'056th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Turbo Cloud Holger Althues Deutsche Nationals 200514.Aug.'058th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Blue Tron Antonino De Rosa US Nationals 200514.Aug.'051st
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Mono Blue Control Neil Reeves US Nationals 200514.Aug.'052nd
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] White Weenie Michael Patnik US Nationals 200514.Aug.'053rd
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Flores Red Josh Ravitz US Nationals 200514.Aug.'055th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Blue Tron Alex Lieberman US Nationals 200514.Aug.'056th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Death Cloud Chris Manning US Nationals 200514.Aug.'057th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Rats Kyle Goodman US Nationals 200514.Aug.'058th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] White Weenie Richard N Moore English Nationals 200507.Aug.'051st
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Erayo Affinity Mark Knight English Nationals 200507.Aug.'052nd
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Blue Tron Sam Gomersall English Nationals 200507.Aug.'053rd
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Red Deck Wins Daniel Paskins English Nationals 200507.Aug.'055th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Tooth and Nail Julien Goron French Nationals 200531.Jul.'051st
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Mono Blue Control Michel Remlinger French Nationals 200531.Jul.'052nd
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Erayo Control Yannick Lacroix French Nationals 200531.Jul.'053rd
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Red Deck Wins Florent Lefranc French Nationals 200531.Jul.'055th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Blue Tron Raphael Levy French Nationals 200531.Jul.'056th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Mono Blue Control Christophe Peyronnel French Nationals 200531.Jul.'057th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Tooth and Nail Bastien Lodo French Nationals 200531.Jul.'058th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Mono Black Aggro Alessandro Selvaggi Italy Nationals 200524.Jul.'051st
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Mono Black Aggro Bruno Panara Italy Nationals 200524.Jul.'052nd
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] White Weenie Andrea Peloso Italy Nationals 200524.Jul.'053rd
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Mono Black Aggro Simone Carboni Italy Nationals 200524.Jul.'054th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Red Deck Wins Stefano Fiori Italy Nationals 200524.Jul.'055th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Red Deck Wins Andrea Cerasari Italy Nationals 200524.Jul.'056th
[Mrd_8th_SoK] [Mrd_8th_SoK] Ponza Darragh Long Irish Nationals 200501.Jul.'051st

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